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Drag Board Co is here! Australia wide Postage!

Drag Board Co is here! Australia wide Postage!

Tom Reilly |

Drag Board Co is here! Australia wide Postage!

Don't miss out on yours! These won't last long. Bodyboards, Softboards & more. All sizes & colours in stock now!


About Drag Board Co (Words by Monster Children Magazine):

Drag came out of nowhere, and by nowhere, we mean the industrial estate just north of Wollongong, which in the grand scheme of things is precisely nowhere. Australian surf culture, and the brands that both funded and reflected it, was once a bastion of larrikinism and authenticity, but as with all things, once they grew and the money got serious, they—almost without exception—sold up, sold out, and lost touch with the culture that spawned them. Brands like Mambo, Hot Tuna, and countless others either went the way of the dodo, or ended up shadows of their whacked-out, brilliant, former selves, sitting on the shelves with a whole lot of other stuff at stores like Big W. With the renaissance of Australiana that’s been sweeping the country in the last five years, Australian surfing was crying out for something that it could be proud of. And it came, from all places, a bodyboarding & softboard brand from an obscure piece of coast an hour and a half south of Sydney.